MCEA Puppet Masters At Work In District 4!

Cullison will send her army of union activists to the polls on their paid day off, thanks to we taxpayers, and push the so called Apple Ballot. Lets hope the Apple Ballot stays rotten this time.
How Montgomery County, Maryland puts politicians, developers and political correctness first - at the expense of the children. | |
Parents and taxpayers in Montgomery County collect over 30,000 valid petition signatures and the news media ignores the story. Recently formed Citizens for Responsible Government (CRG) <> were able to collect enough signatures to put the new transgender protection act on the November ballot. This was a major achievement as the group had to collect signatures during the Christmas holiday season and in the dead of winter. Led by Theresa Rickman and Dr. Ruth Jacobs, CRG was able to mobilize a large group of volunteers to get the required signatures. The effort is designed to overturn a bill passed with overwhelming support by Ike Leggett and the entire council.
A 22 year high school football star is threatening a lawsuit against Montgomery County. Executive Ike Leggett will also be named a defendant. The suit will use the new anti-discrimination law protecting “perceived” transgendered individuals. Tank Thompson the former Churchill High School star fullback claims the county refuses to recognize his “perceived” disability. Tank who is a physical trainer and national black belt karate champion recently discovered that he has always been disabled and unable to walk.
Upon discovering his disability Tank purchased a wheelchair and quit working. “I always felt I was disabled, even when I was a young man.” Stated Tank. Tank found kind hearted doctors in San Francisco willing to amputate his legs so he can complete his transformation to disabled status. Tank is going to work for perceived disabled rights and plans to start a group called Parents and Friends of Perceived Disabled (PFPD). “I intend to get PFPD clubs into the schools as well” stated Tank.
County officials refuse to grant Tank disability status and therefore Tank is going to sue. “If a man can perceive he is a woman, surely a man can perceive he is disabled” Tank stated in a recent new conference.
Ike Leggett promised to set up a commission on “perceived” status to determine all the perceived states that would apply under the new anti-discrimination law. A small but vocal group of disabled citizens suggested that it is unfair to allow perfectly healthy individuals like Tank to declare “perceived” status. Leggett described the disabled group as intolerant and judgmental bigots. “We have whites perceiving themselves black, men perceiving themselves women, even children demanding to be parents,” said Leggett. Leggett says his commission will be able to sort this out and make recommendations. Leggett plans to increase taxes to pay for the commission which expects to meet monthly for 2 years. The commission will be comprised of mental health experts and community activists. Leggett said allowing religious groups on the commission would violate the separation of Church and state.
Leggett went further to state that he perceives himself to be Hillary Clinton and demanded that the other Hillary move aside so that he could be elected President.
Who knows what will happen next.
The Montgomery County Board of Education finally wins a lawsuit and its leader gloats and reacts pridefully. When asked about the ruling of a local judge favoring the school board in connectionwith the flawed sex ed curriculum, Pat O’Neill, the former President of the Board and currentleader said of the parents involved in the suit “I say [they] get out of town, shut up, quit costing Montgomery County taxpayers money for litigation, and we're right and parents believe we'reright." She said this to a reporter at the DC Examiner hardly a tolerant statement from “Ms. Tolerance” herself. According to Ms. O’Neill she is tolerant and nonjudgmental,yet when asked about parents who disagree with her, she gleefully demands that they“get out of town.” Where is the tolerance in that? In fact the very sex ed program O’Neill and therest of the Board so disparetly desire to force on parents defines tolerance as “accepting those whoare different.” (Not at all the dictionary definition of tolerance but the BOE has never let truth getin its way) Why does O’Neill NOT accept those parents who disagree wtih her? Because she is a hypocrite and dishonest. Plain and simple. Other board members remained silent about the lawsuit but none denounced the intolerant statements of O’Neill.
Jerry Weast agreed to allow a group of Magruder High School students space in the school to build a sparkling new casino. Several students requested the right to build a casino when they discovered they were American Indians.
Nancy Navarro and Jerry Weast must be tickled pink with the new law proposed by the MoCo County Council. Hidden in Bill 23-07 is a requirement that “…an employer must allow an employee to appear, groom, and dress consistent with the employee’s gender identity.” There is also a recommended amendment to let a person use facilities based on the person’s gender identity—not to be confused with a person’s DNA determined sex at birth.
This bill is not only supported by the far left nuts, Trachtenberg, Ervin and Elrich but the rest of the Council as well. Responding to a critic of the bill, Council member Leventhal stated that it would be rare that a man transitioning into a woman would actually use the ladies room, and therefore he supports the bill over objection of women who don’t want share restrooms and showers with men who have a sincere belief that they are women but still have male genitals.
This is no joke! When asked about this, most in the press and on the street, don’t believe its true. You can check this out for yourself at
This takes the pressure off Weast and Navarro in their quest for transgender kids in school to choose the bathroom they feel they belong in. In fact, under the bill, if a landlord, commercialbusiness and presumably a school deny a man who is transitioning to a woman from going into the ladies room, they will be sued and fined by the County Human Rights Commission.
Folks, I am NOT KIDDING! Men in bras, panties and dresses are coming to the ladies room in MoCo. And Weast. Navarro and the rest of the Board of Education are encouraging our sons to do just that. If you object, you are intolerant and bigoted. Political correctness triumphs again.
How long will the voters allow MoCo to be the laughing stock of the state. No wonder the rest of state bleeds MoCo tax dollars for themselves and then laugh at us behind our backs. I guess we got what we deserved when we put Trachtenberg and her (can I say her?) friends in office.
Six years ago on Sept. 11, 2001, America faced devastation.
Jerry Weast’s lawyers have filed an opposition to the Request for Stay filed of the Plaintiffs in the Sex Ed Curriculum case. The out of town lawyers say that the court should enforce the “status quo” and therefore allow the curriculum to go forward. They say that:
Its official, Jerry Dean Weast, Nancy Navarro and the rest of the
Why are people surprised that County SAT scores dropped so much? Jerry
Someone pass me a calculator! We can’t keep up with all the lawsuits filed against Nancy “Che”Navarro and her merry band of school board members. Prominent lawyer, Steven Van Grack(former Mayor of Rockville) has filed suit against the BOE in connection with MCPS refusal totell a student’s parents that he was addicted to dangerous narcotics. This is no crackpot lawsuit!The child went to the health teacher and counselor for help, admitting he was addicted to harddrugs. The school did not call his parents in response. What they did do is unknown as MCPShas hired high priced out of town lawyers to dismiss the lawsuit.
Citizens for Responsible Curriculum (CRC), Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) and Family Leader Network have filed a lawsuit in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County,Case Number 284980 as a result of the sex ed indoctrination curriculum passed by the BOE earlier this year. The parents groups are represented by the Thomas More Law Center a Catholic legal group. Sharon Cox and Pat O’ Neill must be joyous as they got what they wanted, another lawsuit against the BOE. Cox and O’Neill taunted the groups with statements like “bring it on” during BOE meetings. Win or lose this lawsuit will cost taxpayers big bucks which could be used to help special needs children or support other programs.
How long will Nancy Navarro and the BOE “tolerate” Joan Benz and Michael J. Doran, the principals at Churchill and Wootton? On July 16th the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) sent a lawsuit letter to Navarro outlining unconstitutional conduct by Benz and Doran.
Nancy “Che” Navarro and the BOE vote to limit public comment at future Meetings. Like Hugo Chavez, Nancy Navarro and the Board of Education have silenced their opposition. In a letter to Jane De Winter, President of the Montgomery Counsel of Parent Teacher Associations, Ms. Navarro stated that “the Board will reserve 10 of the 15 slots for public comments for speakers who wish to comment on issues that are on the agenda for that days board meetings.” This leaves only 5 slots for others to speak. She goes on to say “that the changes are to ensure that business meetings encourage input from the community on issues that are being specifically addressed by the board at its meetings and also permit the board to have more in-depth discussions.”
Allan Lichtman wrote an op ed in the Gazette titled “Sex education, yes, ignorance, no.” Mr. Lichtman supports the “new” sex ed curriculum recently passed by the Montgomery County BOE. My question is, did he read the curriculum? For example, he complains that a sign held at recent protest by 50-75 parents said “NO UNISEX BATHROOMS.” Yet, this is exactly what the curriculum suggests. The curriculum presents the story of “Portia” the boy who becomes a girl. When Portia finally becomes a girl, “she” gets a key to the teachers’ unisex bathroom. When our children follow the curriculum and chop off body parts, take hormones and “reassign their gender,” won’t they expect the key to the bathroom like Portia?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological cause for homosexuality. But now the Montgomery County Board of Education has done what science and medicine could not do by declaring in its newly approved curriculum that homosexuality is “innate” or inborn. The board could not produce any factual evidence for what it will now teach students -- only political “pledges” and payoffs for last year’s school board elections as claimed by gay rights activists. The BOE only need drive down Rockville Pike to talk with the head of the Human Genome Project, Dr. Francis Collins. Dr. Collins, like all mainstream medical professionals would tell the BOE that homosexuality is NOT hardwired.
A child who heard voices, wet her pants, wears diapers, runs from class, has been HIV positive since age four months, lived her whole life with foster parents, makes hyper-sexual and violent writings, cuts her leg, puts pins in her ears, has been hospitalized many times and is suicidal, asked Jerry Weast and the BOE for a special program to help her learn. She was given a “flash pass” so she could leave the class whenever she heard voices telling her things and was only graded on the assignments she actually completed. Thus, her grades appeared satisfactory. When her foster parents sued for a special program, Weast and the BOE put their lawyers to work. They lost all the way to the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. In court Weast and the BOE said the following quoting their own witness, “one would not “treat schizophrenia with special education any more than you would treat cancer with special education.’” See BOE Reply Brief at page 29. Yes, that is what they said. These are the same folks who told those who don’t agree with their sex education indoctrination program that “you don’t have to send your child to public school.” Needless to say the court disagreed and gave the young girl her program. You can read the courts opinion at <>
Jerry Weast and the Montgomery County Board of Education are the great friends of D.C. and Howard County lawyers. Although most of the legal fees expended by Weast and his Board are hidden in the operating budget, we found some tidbits of information about some of the outside lawyers Weast uses to fight his legal battles.
The Montgomery County Board of Education voted unanimously against directing children to their parents with questions about sex. During the recent hearing about the new sex education curriculum embraced by the BOE, the question of how to deal with student questions was resolved against parents.
Our superintendent says he decided to spend $125,000 to prevent high schools from holding graduations in churches, in part because he wants to avoid a lawsuit from fringe groups.
“I believe, though, that this is a wonderfully, medically correct lesson,” school board member Pat O'Neill says about the new "sexual variations" school curriculum. “It is the 21st century.”
Martin Luther King Weekend is the perfect time for Superintendent Jerry Weast to show that his professed intolerance for bigotry is real and not selective.
The superintendent is unlikely to enjoy the slap-happy days of the Doug Duncan era, when the county executive never interfered with MCPS spending unless it meant providing more money, and when the County Council and school board were in slavishly supportive hands.
Oh, what an election can do to change a public official!