Saturday, March 11, 2006

Councilmember calls Cox outburst 'off the wall'

School Board Vice President Sharon Cox took a step too far in her attacks on the County Council and the Inspector General, earning a rebuke from Councilwoman Marilyn Praisner.

Denouncing the County Council for demanding MCPS transparency and accountability, Cox (pictured) calls the Kendale intervention "an attempt . . . to use their power to force something down our throats to appease people who have money and obviously votes," the Washington Post reports.

Council Vice President Marilyn Praisner (D-Eastern County) dismissed Cox's outburst as "destabilizing" and "off-the-wall."

After the scolding, according to the Post, "Cox softened her comments, saying she is warming to the idea of a task force so long as 'all options are on the table.'"