Friday, May 27, 2005

Parents unite: MCPS curriculum defeat may spread to Fairfax

A federal judge's rebuke of Montgomery County Public Schools and MCPS's quick collapse on the radical school sex-ed issue has emboldened parents across the Potomac River to bring the fight to Fairfax County schools.

"Who would have thought that a group of intrepid parents in a progressive blue-state enclave like Montgomery County would be ones to force a politically correct Board of Education to back down from a controversial new sex ed curriculum?" asks the DC Examiner in a lead editorial. "That's exactly what happened earlier this week when chastened board members reversed their previously unanimous approval of a curriculum so obviously one-sided, it couldn't even pass muster with a Clinton-appointed federal judge."

Angry parents in Fairfax, according to the editorial, are emboldened and on alert.